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更新时间:2024-07-08 04:02:48

中国国庆节的来历简介英语?Oct.1st is the national day of China.In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the national day of China.At that time,people were very happy,because China has been free ,the war has just stopped.We were the winner!Then every year of this day,people put the national flag out to celebrate.At the capital of China--Peking,there is a lot of people to parade and celebrate in the national day.Everybody was happy and very exciting.It was very lively.Do you want to know and see it? Come and visit us for the national day of China.,接下来我们就来聊聊关于中国国庆节的来历简介英语?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!



Oct.1st is the national day of China.In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the national day of China.At that time,people were very happy,because China has been free ,the war has just stopped.We were the winner!Then every year of this day,people put the national flag out to celebrate.At the capital of China--Peking,there is a lot of people to parade and celebrate in the national day.Everybody was happy and very exciting.It was very lively.Do you want to know and see it? Come and visit us for the national day of China.
