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更新时间:2024-07-20 23:21:54





一、常用于摘要开头的句型。摘要一开头通常开门见山,介绍研究的背景、目的或内容,常用的句型及短语有:This paper deals with (discusses , describes , establishes , presents , reports , etc.) the design (an investigation , experimental results , analysis , method , model , characteristics , principles , approach , problem , phenomenon , etc.) of …

为了突出研究内容,可用被动语态,即:The design (model , characteristics , etc.) of … is described (discussed , described , established , presented , etc.) in this paper.或:In this paper , the design of … is presented.或:The purpose (aim , intention , goal , etc.) of this study (investigation) was to … 或:This study was designed ( intended , conducted , undertaken , etc.) to …

还有些开头首先说明研究背景,通常可用:Based on …, the design of … is presented. Form an analysis of …

二、常用于摘要中间的句型。摘要的中间一般描写研究的方法、手段或过程等,常用的句型有:The data (experimental results , model , etc. ) are (is) derived (obtained , found , revealed , developed , measured , etc.) by using …;The experiment (investigation , technique , method , etc.) was made (conducted , applied , used , studied , determined , etc.) to (in) …

三、常用于摘要结尾部分的句型。摘要的结尾一般说明结果、结论,以及得到何种启发和展望,常用的句型有:The above (These , our , etc.) findings (result s , data , etc.) show (illust rate , indicate , suggest , confirm , demonst rate , etc. ) that …;It is found (observed , suggested , etc.) that …;We (The authors) suggest (suspect , believe , conclude ,etc.) that …